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world cup, alcohol 

Sweden fans drank Nizhni Novgorod dry after their game against South Korea

Their next game is against Germany

Sochi's going to run out of booze in about 5 minutes

@maple I'll be over here rooting for you and sending general positive vibes your direction anyway

ICE, trump

"Migrant children: Trump signs order to 'keep families together'"

hot take, 🏳️‍🌈 (food mention) 

@amphetamine @iliana hm... queso?

hot take, 🏳️‍🌈 (food mention) 

@iliana :thaenkin: the G must be for guacamole...

@InspectorCaracal as far as I can tell they haven't even decided what it is yet

Or if they have then they haven't shared that with anyone

@InspectorCaracal I think there's a meeting of some sort at some point to talk about something

meta, pol adj 

@maple same

if anyone would like to buy me plane tickets to get there then I'm happy to march wherever, otherwise, I can't do anything about it

MH, gender stuff , + 

@Nine *hugs* appointment went well I take it

food there is no amount of mac and cheese I will not eat in one sitting

It might be a long sitting, but I will eat all of it


I keep seeing these deep-fried macaroni cheese bites called "a great way to use leftover mac and cheese"

What? There ain't no such thing as leftover mac and cheese

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!