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I knew there'd be bugger all on TV today, but just the "highlights" of the wedding are one and a half hours

That's bloody edited!

How can you stretch out a wedding to over one and a half hours?!

Anyone happen to know what bad news the UK government tried to bury today?

uspol, gun violence 

students or staff killed by guns in US schools in 2018 (so far): 31

US active duty military deaths in 2018 (so far): 29

The US Army, safer than going to school

snack overflow: the website for asking questions about snacks

:thaenkin: would the squobit version of nachos be a load 555s covered in cheese and jalapenos?


fun python/console trick: you want something else? heck you

Random neuron firing: CYBRE-YURT

I'm not entirely sure what that would be aside from something involving cybre and a big round tent but I want one

By 35, retirement experts advise that you should have been born 35 years earlier in order to have a retirement

sudden mental image: @squirrel wandering around with a giant solar panel as a hat so she can charge while out and about

@devurandom CVE-2018-666666: turning on computer may lead to arbitrary code execution

Okay stuff like this( is why skynet is going to have happened


*bots that are in the same ballpark sentience of your average human

@squirrel I just came across this little game for learning the vim movement commands, looks like the kind of thing you were looking for yesterday

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!