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When the local news announces a cannabis grow-op bust they always call it a "cannabis factory"


:thaenkin: what if the hokey cokey really is what it's all about?

Need assistance with project quite technical pls lmk if you can help details below

too hot

pls send ice

(the good kind, not the US federal agency full of bastards)

robot girls that are just vocalizing noises at eachother for hours on it

maplebots in different outfits maid maplebot space pilot maplebot witch maplebot santa maplebot 8-bit maplebot

@troubleMoney Queer people everywhere, levitating and in unison somehow: "Mwhahahahahaha! Did you fools think that one paltry month could contain us?!"

Pride month is over, welcome to Pride month 2: electric boogaloo

and all the ones that aren't here, but they won't see this so uh... yeah

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Oh, forgot this was today, happy Canada day to all the Canadians here

Two hedgehogs have decided to live in our garden

They're good lil spiny friends

"They say that a dog is a man's best friend

They also say that a diamond is a woman's best friend

But my friend is non-binary

So I got them a pet rock"
~ Benny Feldman

In the future, all that remains from our time is advertising jingles

History lecturer: We still don't know what these creatures known as "wa-shing masheens" were and why they should survive longer in the presence of someone or something named "cal-gon"

AMAZON. Go to your room and think about what you've done.

I used to live with an Australian so whenever I hear the word "milo" I immediately think "delicious chocolate" and then 99 times out of 100 I'm disappointed to learn it's actually referring to that yiannopolous prick

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!