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🎢 bees are good
bees are good
all of these bees are good 🎢

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St. Valentine is also the patron saint of beekeepers

BEES! 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝

didn't watch the stream, did they announce when animal crossing and an adorable animal crossing themed switch is coming out?

we spent god knows how much rescuing matt damon, we can do a mission to bring opportunity back home

now this is an interesting thing

it's a "smart" watch strap, does all the phone alerts and activity tracking stuff of your average smartwatch but allows you to put a real watch on it

mars opportunity 

I'm bummed out about opportunity going out of contact

I mean, I know it's basically just a remote controlled car but still, good robot

We need to send a mission to retrieve them and bring them back home

shameful family secret 

My parents... rent out a house

They were going on about the new regulations coming into effect and about how it was "just making it harder and more complicated for people to rent out houses" and how "a lot of landlords might just not bother, sell their properties and then there would be no places available to rent"

I did point out that they're getting a cheque once a month for effectively fuck-all but apparently that's not the point


Older person: turn the tranny on would you?
Me: you fucking what?... oh, that generation still calls a transistor radio a "tranny" doesn't it

Holy crap, someone just came up with the perfect idea to fix the live-action aladdin

s/will smith/terry crews

that dude has the right energy for the role

If you want to watch a production of Aladdin but don't want nightmares of Will Smith as a smurf I can recommend the 2000 ITV panto version they're still doing reruns of

I don't know about mice liking cheese but all of our cats love it

I have literally seen panto productions with more genie-looking genies

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I've just seen pictures of Will Smith as the genie in Aladdin

What the fuck.

I love Reggie (the cat that isn't officially ours but is always around here anyway) but he doesn't half weigh a tonne when he's sitting on your lap

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!