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check to see if your password is secure by putting it in a reply to this toot

reminder that the clocks change tonight for large sections of the world that use daylight savings

my gender is that one that rampages through a town nicking stuff

wait, no, gander, that's a gander

Baby Shark, Scary Shark, Sporty Shark, Posh Shark, Ginger Shark

ah, another homestuck for me to be blissfully ignorant of

welcome to computer fairies bbs today! 24/7 9600baud 1-800-BUTTS

someone's just mentioned that kfc dating sim game and I've just realised that no, that was an actual thing that happened and not some bizarre fever dream I had

banach tarski
banach banach tarski tarski
banach tarski banach tarski

I just saw a headline reading "UK should consider legalising possession, MPs say"

Sounded a lot more awesome before I realised they were talking about drugs

me: might be an idea to use a proper vpn provider instead of my probably poorly implemented mess on a DO droplet

nordVPN: *gets hacked*

TorGuard and VikingVPN: *also possibly get hacked*

me: huh... guess it's probably fine

@mavica 's chassis is made from a high tech copper-tellurium alloy

that's right, mavi's made of CuTe!

🎶 Bob the builder
Can we fix it?
Bob the builder 🎶
nah, 's'fucked

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!