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As I've started seeing hedgehogs again I thought I'd do a toot about how to care for the little critters if they happen to live where you are

If you've got a garden fence, try putting a little gap at the bottom so they can move from garden to garden easier, or a 14cm x 14cm hole in a corner

They like eating cat biscuits, maybe leave a little bowl of those out for them

And they always like having some water handy, a small dish of that is super helpful to them

I want an Alien cuckoo clock

big xenomorph head on the wall with the inner jaw thing doing the cuckoo bit

@troubleMoney 🎶we had to start the masto
the thought’s been churning
since birdsite’s been burning🎶

someone who's been paying more attention than me do "we didn't start the fire" but with masto stuff

🎶 pineapples and wound cubes
people posting cursed food
moderators banning cops
massive lack of tops 🎶

our reggie is starting to fight back when we give him the ear drops so he must be feeling better

which is really good but it's quite hard to give a six and a half kilo cat ear drops when he doesn't want them

modem noises 

beeeeeeep beewoo beewoo beep


hermit crabs are good

all queuing up on house move day to switch houses

*comes out the cave to look at what's going on in the greater fediverse*


*goes back inside*

TIL that in the US, you can get advertisers to stop sending you physical mail by telling the post office "that you, *in your own discretion*, believe [the advertisements] to be 'erotically arousing or sexually provocative.'" (Emphasis mine.)

USPS and the advertiser are not legally allowed to contest this.

So if you tell them that CreditOne mailings just make you *too horny*...

:thaenkin: you can stick some metal into a lemon to make a battery to power stuff because the lemon juice acts as an acidic electrolyte

blackberry juice is also acidic, although slightly less so than lemon juice

it may therefore be possible to make a blackberry (fruit) powered blackberry (phone)

"That's not what I expected," the knight said.
"What?" said the princess. "It's a dragon hoard."
The knight tried to count the dragons cuddling in a pile.
"I started with one, then found a couple of strays." The princess shrugged. "I guess I just started collecting them."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

I'm not a stamps person but royal mail are doing a special issue of stamps featuring british video games

Included are Elite, Dizzy, Populous, Lemmings, Micro Machines, Sensible Soccer, Wipeout, and Worms

And there's a Tomb Raider mini set as well

remember when gmail was invite only and invite codes were being sold on ebay?

that was weird

🎶 let's
get down
to business
and pet all
the buns 🎶


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!