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seriously, it's only just coming up to when we'd normally have a general election since 2015 and in that time we've had two extra general elections, three prime ministers, brexit, and a wide range of other shit

but no, apparently it would have been chaos with Miliband

also he couldn't eat a bacon sandwich properly

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I'm so glad the UK voted for David Cameron in 2015 instead of Ed Miliband with all the chaos that would have caused


*someone whispers in my ear*


oh no

@troubleMoney squirrel girl wants a bat-signal and wants it called the sql lite

robots. robots robots robots robots robots robots robots robots robots robots

our hedgehogs are definitely taking over the garden 

they're establishing hedgiemony

Well this looks kinda cool

Wristwatch made of grade 5 titanium, very innovative bracelet design, water resistant to 600 ATM, and just generally looks like you could drive a tank over it and not cause any damage

Hella expensive though

It's autism awareness day!

Also your semi-regular reminder that autism speaks and their puzzle piece bullshit can fuck right off

Also if Sinn would like to send me some swag for shilling their brand on the social medias then please feel free

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Sinn also make a watch designed for firefighters

This is the EZM 7, the colour coded sections on the bezel display the amount of time firefighters can operate using various types of specialised breathing equipment

It also features their temperature resistant oils which improves rate stability at extreme temperatures

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Some of the watch blogs are posting articles on the Sinn EZM 12 because of... current events, so fuck it, here we go

This is the Sinn EZM 12, a super cool watch they released a few years ago, designed for use by emergency medical personnel

It's got two timing bezels, one of which is marked with the "golden hour" and "platinum ten minutes" which I'm informed means something to medical people

It's also got a pulsometer and is really easy to take apart and sterilise with minimal tools

Good news! Sam the Octopus is now sponsored by RAID: Shadow Legends!

I've never been much of a mobile gamer, but, forget everything you think you know about mobile games because...


one of our hedgies has decided to accessorise their outfit with some leaves!

also, bonus magpie

covid-19 silly 

I had to go out to get some things and I didn't see one person wearing spiked leather

Nor did I see any heavily customised cars with lots of chrome

I'm beginning to think mad max lied to me

I am very disappointed

covid-19 silly 

obviously wash your hands before and after as well

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!