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And you may find yourself
Behind the controls of a large mech
And you may find yourself in a beautiful space suit
With a beautiful copilot
And you may ask yourself, well
How did I get here?

Damn, I've run out of my fancy nice deodorant

Unfortunately it's $expensive a stick so it might be a while until I get more in

Bloody "whatever's on offer in the supermarket" until then

pol, trump, nuclear annihilation (+) 

Hang on a sec, with that Trump tweet where he said he had a "bigger nuclear button than DPRK" I've had a sudden realisation

Nukes aren't fired like that. To order the nukes to be fired it's effectively just the President making a phone call. There's no big red button involved

So either Trump is speaking metaphorically (unlikely), or his aides have just gone to Staples, bought an "EASY" button and told him it fires the nukes

I feel slightly safer now

guitar shop guy: this amplifier is really kinda, mellow, glassy, but it's got a crunchy woody tone too

me: ah thats a shame. im looking more for somethin that sounds like........... a vibrating metal string.... except louder..........................

:thaenkin: should go to a page with a big "PET" button

When pressed it should activate a big robotic hand that gently pets the @squirrel

It's 2 months, 24 days until Easter

But it's after Christmas, so of course all the supermarkets are filled with hot cross buns

For clarity those are the spiced, sweet, bread type of buns what are eaten around Easter and not hordes of warm, slightly annoyed @squirrel s

lurghi update 

lurghi is evolving!

Congratulations! Your lurghi evolved into actually a bit ill!


Tired: Mastodon

Wired: Siblinghood of the Traveling Jorts

I could have gone for the world record for shortest ceremony

"Oi, you, you, yer 'itched, 'ave fun"

But nooooooo, apparently Discordianism isn't a "proper" religion

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The British government are such killjoys

Not letting me go around officiating weddings

I'm an official POPE goddamnit, I should be allowed to officiate weddings


England: You name it, we'll chuck it in a jar of vinegar and eat it a couple of months later

screen name history 

can't remember
troubleMoney/Sam the Octopus

Please be on the lookout for further signs of the apocalypse

The pharmacy actually had my meds ready when I went in to collect them today

This never happens, and is obviously a sign of the end times

BREAKING: 'They' Is Fucking Plural, Right? We'll Ask Someone, And They'll Answer, And THAT'S AN EXAMPLE RIGHT THERE AND IT READ JUST FINE TO YOU. So Shut Up About Plural 'They' Somehow Being Wrong Already, For Fuck's Sake!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!