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mr blobby 

Okay so this is a thing that has now happened

wow, fallout 76 is really getting hammered in the reviews

you know a social network is full of nerds when a joke about hypervisors of all things somehow manages to gain traction

Still annoyed that even with the lowering cost of putting things into orbit nobody's thrown a Plan 9 machine up there yet

Charities: "Don't give cash to that homeless person, they're just going to spend it on alcohol and cigarettes!"

That's the same thing I spend it on, what's the problem?

:thaenkin: would a counterbalanced railway for raising and lowering rabbits on a mountainside be called a bunicular?

As someone who knows little of virtualisation this is what I imagine a hypervisor is

incredibly bad pun 

All these people trying to claim that non-binary people don't exist are just enbyous of us


So Ivanka Trump's been caught using a personal email account for official business

Not sure what to call this...

Margarine e-mails maybe?

To provide context for the "In the US 100 years is a long time, in Europe 100 miles is a long way" thing, one of our local supermarkets was built as a Carrefour in the 70's

The supermarket was sold to Asda in the 80's

People still refer to that supermarket as Carrefour despite it now being three decades since it became an Asda

For all of those men that were bitching about "when's international men's day?" last international women's day, it's today

I'd have been happy to make them all little beds but they really prefer to do that themselves

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the original location for the hedgehog hotel became unavailable so it's back here in the garden ready for hibernating season

gave them lots of nice straw for bedding

is spitballing a Saturday morning cartoon featuring Maplebots and I only just now noticed ;_;

any time I do my "Thus spake the octopus" thing just imagine me on a really fancy chair with a little crown and holding in my tentacles that stick and that orb thing queen lizzie has

Using a geoIP database to figure out where your users are is a bad idea because it never works right

If you need to know where someone is, ask them

Thus spake the octopus

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!