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DOHP (deep ocean high pressure)? Bathysphere
DOUHP (ultra high pressure)? Telepresence barrier
Explosions? Safety mech

(no but seriously wear your safety gear kids the octopus is correct)

occasional reminder to always wear your PPE when you're doing anything where it's advised

Loud noises? Earplugs
Stuff flying around? Goggles
Dust and aerosolised stuff? Mask

Bird box: don't let them be seen by you
A quiet place: don't let them hear you
every zombie film: don't let them taste you

Right, got 2 of the 5 classical senses left, touch and smell, get on it hollywood

the british army is currently doing a recruitment campaign where, to get more young people to sign up to be shot at, they're calling them "snowflakes", "selfie addicts", and "phone zombies"

certainly an interesting advertising decision, let's see how well that works out for them

I forsee "badly"


yeah, looking up food recipes on the internet might be annoying to USAians but over here, in addition to scrolling through someone's entire life story to get to the recipe, I have to:

- convert all the measurements from US imperial to UK imperial so my mum can understand it because she's usually the one who wants the recipe
- convert all measurements to metric so I can understand it
- translate the USAian to English

alternatively someone put in canals so I can take advantage of more of @SuricrasiaOnline 's River Basin Network Architecture

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I fancy mucking about with networking gear again but my current setup works entirely fine for the forseeable future

Someone provide really cheap gigabit fibre to my house so I've got reason to mess about with stuff plx

honestly I was expecting more people yelling at me for that epic of gilgamesh joke earlier

In 100-200 years time there are going to be groups of people doing historical reenactments of the 90's

a museum curator accidentally dropped 11 stone tablets written in Akkadian that were about some dude called Gilgamesh 

"Ah", the curator said, "I believe this is what the youth of today call an Epic fail"

any time NASA does anything cool the whole fediverse turns into the damn space core from portal

I can just hear all of us going "SPAAAAAAAACE"

So millennials, which industries are we killing this year?

happy new year!

assuming you're using a calendar that switches year now of course, otherwise happy new year in advance for whenever your year increments

List of best buns in no particular order:

Belgian bun
Chelsea bun
Currant Bun
Hot Cross Bun

reminder that up until they messed it up and gave her a peerage there was a "Lady Garden" wandering around

You might have missed it in the pre-christmas chaos but @maple 's new track is fucking awesome

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!