later horcruxes would have been a bunch of keys he forgot the purpose of, some dead batteries, and a bit of string
yeah, they're horcruxes now, but seriously, an old diary, a necklace, a ring, an old trophy, a tiara, and a random snake?
dude was clearing out his junk drawer
oh wow, Omega are starting to make Caliber 321 movements again
For those who aren't total watch nerds, this is the watch movement that went to the moon inside the Speedmaster chronographs that were used in the Apollo program
maplesoft, not only a potential name for @maple 's software business but also a description of maple!
⚠️ new release ⚠️
Perfect Score
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tinfoil hat time:
Greggs are actively contributing to all the furore about their new vegan sausage roll in order to get more people to go in and buy one
I know that I for one am halfway tempted to go in and get one out of spite against Piers "should take a long walk off a short one" Morgan even though I know it'll do nothing but give money to Greggs
total cost: maybe £1.10 total because I used some paracord for the handle 'cause I'm fancy like that
and I still have two other ring spanners spare
for carving things like spoons or bowls out of wood it's usually suggested that you use something called a "hook knife" to get the round sort of hollow shape
they cost about 20 quid
I didn't want to spend 20 quid, so I got a set of 3 ring spanners from poundland and spent some time with a dremel (other rotary tools are available) and made this ring knife type thingy that does the job fine
Hedgehog wrangler, cat feeder, octopus whomst love smol critters
"i never thought someone could be such a watch nerd and yet here you are" ~ @maple