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when the moon hits your knees
and you mispronounce trees


wow, they really picked the 4th of July for their relaunch didn't they

...does this make the fediverse the british?

It's okay everyone, I washed the slope with detergent, it's not slippery any more


the best way to anaesthetise an octopus is to douse them in ethanol

which is what I call a good friday night

app meta 

Tusky blocking gab is an act of speech and is therefore covered by the concept of "free speech"



it's time to read the middle english wikipedia article about frogges 

“A frogge ben a wee beeſt wiþ foure legges, þe whiche liveþ boþ in water and on lond. He ben broun or grene or yelwe, or if he be tropical, he may be dyuers coloures. He haþ longis and gylles boþ. He haccheþ fro an ei and he þen be a tadpolle. He groweþ to be a frogge, if he be nat eton.”

meta, app, gab 

welp, time to dump fedilab

they're choosing not to do anything about gab


H.P. Lovecraft is the Notch of the Eldritch Horror genre


ah, I see spammer prick has finally found his people, nice to see there's really somewhere for everyone on the fediverse

(he's on now)

not only do we have hedgehogs in the garden, we also have what is quite frankly an extravagant number of woodlice

or as I like to call them, lil crustacean friends


can just see two of them here

it's hedgie dating season which means one of them is serenading the other with lots of chuff noises

injury mention 

amazon: bet you wish you'd been wearing these lol!

me: fuck off

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injury mention 

amazon, one week after me badly cutting my finger in an accident with a chisel, sends me an ad for cut-proof gloves

amazon, I know you're harvesting data, but don't be a dick

if any watch snobs keep going on about "in-house" production and how those brands that do it are sooooo superior to the common riff-raff just remind them that a 70 quid seiko is produced entirely in-house

drives them nuts

"this is a surprisingly quiet monday"

"sam, it's sunday"

"...I knew that"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!