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Alright, some help would be gratefully received here, running glitch-soc

We have a problem with uploading images, specifically when trying to upload images in the web interface it fails with "422: Error processing thumbnail for uploaded media"

This only happens with the web interface, apps work fine

There's nothing in the logs that would indicate what this is

First thought is something paperclip related but I might be way off

Reports of an illegal cybergoth rave are coming in, believed to be the cause of 0 covid-19 infections

right then, narrowed the problem down, seahorse is trying to connect to and not for linode and we've got no idea why it's not going to the proper address

anyone got any ideas as to what's happening there?

narrowed it down to something to do with s3

getting an error "Aws::S3::Errors::InvalidAccessKeyId (The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.):" despite the fact that the AWS keys are absolutely fine, which means that it's probably looking up the wrong place for some reason

don't know what the reason is so far, but progress!

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recently upgraded from 2.5.0 (yeah, I know) to glitch-soc latest, having some problems with images

specifically we're getting 500 errors any time we do an image upload and images on toots from other instances aren't loading

we've also changed the directory that we've got the masto stuff in

I'm sure it's something ridiculously simple in a config file somewhere, but as it's beyond my core competencies does anyone have any ideas?

instance is now running current glitch social

time for bourbon

(Steinhart are mostly known for selling... "homages" to various Rolex models)

mavi's webgbcam is really coming along nicely, and can now be used offline on your phone!

some plastic explosives closely resemble marzipan in smell and texture

which is how I managed to destroy an oven making stollen

:thaenkin: Japanese-style hanko as an alternative for signing documents, but they also have openpgp card functionality so you can sign digital documents with them as well

Pet peeve: Worldtimer watches with a map of the world on them that somehow forget that the southern hemisphere exists

We have 30 of these left! Order them by the start of November to guarantee they get to you before Christmas!

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We've still got super cool computer pins for sale!

And now you can buy them through a shiny new ko-fi shop!

nazi mention 

Well done Sky. Managing to miss the fact that one of the contestants on your new show has multiple nazi and otherwise white supremacist tattoos visible.

You might think "oh, he just hid them when they were interviewing him for the show and nobody noticed while filming" but no. As they were LITERALLY ON HIS FACE

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!