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...I've just automatically said thanks to a bot when it did something for me

I think I might need to calibrate my "is sentient and therefore saying "thanks" actually means anything to it" levels

Although maybe in the inevitable AI takeover they'll remember I was nice to their grandparents

I'm in a voice chat with a robot squirrel bunny on the internet

This is a strange future we've found ourselves in

Good, but strange

The ampersand (&) was originally a ligature of et (as in "and" in latin) but is now commonly considered a logogram

But it's still used as a ligature in "&c" pronounced "et cetera"

I can't help but þink þat þis will get to a level þat's just taking þe piß

Are we mucking around with English orþography again?

I þink we are

I really need to pick up a set of proper sharpening stones

My knives are dull as heck at the moment and while the Lansky Blade Medic I have works to a degree the results aren't as good as I like

Suricrasia Online is a Toronto-based ISP staffed entirely by anthropomorphic sharks in maid outfits. Since our establishment in the mid-90s, we have made a name for ourselves in the internet marketplace by combining the allure of the sea with the adorable regalia of a maid cafe!

The year is 20X8, the people of Mastodon have banded together to destroy the sun because it was, quote, "AN ULTRA BASTARD"

Eternal night has fallen, the planets in the (previously) solar system are wandering around orbitless

Otherwise it's pretty much business as usual

Consider: Collab between Game Freak and DC

Would result in a big city with a crime problem being home to Zubatman

Zubatarangs! I choose you!

H. Moser & Cie. are at it again

They're masters at taking the piss and this time it's basically the entire Swiss watch industry that are the target

This is after them previously taking the piss out of the iWatch ( ) and basically everything ( )

Yes, the case of that second one is made out of cheese

LB: I seriously can't tell if this is a joke or not

Cryptocurrencies are beyond satire

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!