Transphobia, self harm mention 

Do I seek out and report transphobic comments as hate speech bc I care that much? Or am I just looking for an excuse to do a version of self harm?

Food security, eating disorder, exercise 

It's really frustrating because it seems like I will never "get healthy" this way. Not to the level I'd like to be at, anyway.

One of the reasons I'm so excited to move is that it'll be much cheaper. I'll be able to afford food again!

Food security, eating disorder, exercise 

I can't afford enough food to exercise consistently.

My recovery from even a minor workout can take a week because of my malnourished diet. Even when I'm managing my eating disorder, I just can't afford all the food I need.

The irony (?) is that exercise helps me stoke an appetite I otherwise don't have. So, I exercise as much as safely can, and ration the food I do have, and am often just hungry. Idk. Seems more important to keep the ed under control.

Thank you to everyone who send me positive vibes this last week! I'm half way through this anticipated time of turmoil, but it's almost over. Things will be SO GOOD in a week once I'm all moved in.

People evolve and change over time.

You can't say that you will have the same aptitudes in 20 years that you had in high school.

I reserve the right to allow my career and profession to evolve and change over time as well!
Damn this bullshit of being stuck in the same job for your entire life!

The next few weeks are going to be some of my busiest and most emotionally taxing weeks of my life so far.

Please send all the good vibes. Cast a spell, pray, I'll take it all.

@squirrel i honestly think that being nice to our machines makes a real difference in their overall performance. Call it "woo" or whatever, but really, having a supportive, friendly attitude towards the tools you use changes your perspective. You're more likely to do the maitanence they require, and notice issues before they become big problems.

I've gotten some sun recently and now the foundation I bought last summer matches again.

Life is good.

Hair style stuff 

I got My hair cut colored for the first time yesterday. I used Admirial Holdo from The Last Jedi as the color reference, and I love it!

I was a little worried about maintaining the color for as long as possible, but apparently I already do all the things? No shampoo, cold showers was already how I showered.

It's like I was always meant to have vivid colored hair! ๐Ÿ˜

@squirrel this is very exciting. I'm really into the logo, and would love to put a sticker on my notebook or water bottle or something.

@squirrel it may be a blip, but so 're the largest events in human history. Computer fairies is such a wonderful blip ๐Ÿ’–

gameing, okami 

@Nine I found all of the (human) women in that game to be portrayed rather... oddly. Definitely a male gaze situation.

Do you ever fall asleep listening to a podcast, but then later redownload it bc you actually want to listen to it, and the whole thing sounds vaguely familiar?

@ajroach42 I love this game! I forgot if it was actually in the rules or not, but my friends and I would always yell out "sou-EEEE!" at after a certain roll (it's been so long since I've played, I forgot which roll).

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!