@MrJimmy the concept of the character, or the series?
@maple why does time CONTINUE?
My roommate bought a voice "assistant" pod and an internet connected microwave and doesn't understand why I'm so annoyed.
I don't want my fucking microwave listening to what I'm saying. My desktop doesn't even have a microphone connected to it unless I'm using it.
Then they said that if I'm just being paranoid that having the voice connected stuff would help, because I would see that no one was going to break down the door.
Fundamentally missing the issue of why I don't want them
@MrJimmy you might want to see a doctor about those millipedes in your aorta.
@celesteh take the board apart, rip out the control board and wire in your own switch.
@evan haha, you were too slow to copyright your shitposts!
@troubleMoney isn't royal assent given to everything, though?
Since the monarchy is now only a figurehead, and now holds only a ceremonial apolitical position, don't they have no choice but to rubber stamp approval everything that parliament passes?
@TeethTeethTeeth @MrJimmy haven't you ever been like "I feel sort of🕴️ [emoji: hovering man in business suit] today"?
@MrJimmy I solve that problem by never using emojis
@TeethTeethTeeth does that mean I can just come in and chill on yo couch?
@paulfree14 don't know if it's even a fallacy. It's just a refutation without evidence.
@hungrychangeling my goal in any thrift store is to find a perfect jacket.
I mean, I've already spent a couple hundred dollars to tailor and maintain the jacket I already have.
But that doesn't stop me.
@troubleMoney hey let's be clear...
No one with good intentions has ever done anything bad... Right?
I have a new agey-esque name for it already in my head and also the explanation for why we were willing to have a new agey-esque name for it.
It'll probably end up in a story before it ends up in real life, though.
I don't know enough people and humans terrify me.
"The Order Of The Flag's monks and nuns are here to speak with you. And they brought, uh, ceremonial...nailbats?"
Anarchist. Cat. Anarkat. White Cis Male. Don't worry, I'll die eventually. Polyamorous & pansexual. Sometimes I say dumb stuff. When that happens, tell me. I'll figure it out.
Location? Idunno. The walls are grey and plain, and it's difficult to get to. Could be a bunker. Or a suburb. Hard to tell.
I drive. A lot. Many attempts have been made on my life by whatever spirit is behind bad drivers, but I'm still around.