gotta say though, i'm noticing that the way they animated the black background characters is... not great. the lips dude. you don't need to put a big outline around the lips.

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started watching hunter x hunter because i want to know the murderhorny clown man. didn't expect to actually like gon but here i am

i've been pretty MIA because all i do is study and play games and watch vtubers. i have nothing interesting to post.

i went back to learning basic coding too. freecodecamp has taught me html and the first steps to css. i wanna finish css and javascript then maybe try java again since i took a java class in college

i started embroidering and cross stitching and after a bit of crying in frustration and confusion i got a couple stitches done :blobcheeky: nowhere close to finished but it got my hands busy for a while

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been making myself go outside while the puppy is in the yard and ive been repeatedly getting sunburnt on my arms specifically. the only sunscreen i have is my face moisturizer with spf in it. surely this wont have any consequences.

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Please add alt text to your images. It doesn't just help blind and low-vision people. It helps the fully sighted on crappy computers and crappy browsers and crappy connections to understand what you're showing us.

Please add alt text especially if you're sharing a text-only screen capture. The alt text description limit is a lot higher than the main post body text limit.

if i burn music onto DVD RW with no visuals can it be played in a CD player or would it have to be CD RW?

im really hungry but if i go downstairs and get food the puppy will wake up and im not prepared to watch her yet so im just gonna starve i guess. maybe ill do more stuff on my desktop to distract myself idk

my puppy is so clingy today, i left the room to use the bathroom and she followed me and laid down on the floor

the angel in my system is pretty sad about my feelings but tbh div should know better than to expect me to be optimistic :blobnervous:

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would love it if someone could link/recommend some ways to get started with . i realized yesterday that im incapable of feeling hope and i'd like to rectify that.

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bring back the old web cry out all the people not visiting the old web that people have been building without them

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hello all :abunhdhop:​ im new! i'm a femboy who's into open-source software and learning how to code. i'm currently making a neocities website and i'm confused but the internet is helping

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!