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what up gaymers? comin' atcha with a hot new cuh-ray-zee tip

when someone online brings on a powerfeel and an irresistible urge to smash right on those sweet 'puter keys, forget most of that normal, boring keyboard biz!

we all know saving on precious frames is important, so to get that pro g-g-g-gaymer keysmash speedrun exp, go slam down a handworth of digits on that numpad for even faster keysmashability and feels just do a whole lot of it with a normal keyboard in a text file and then put it on your phone for easy copy and pasting when the need arises i can't stop myself from doing this most of the dang time and it sometimes makes me late to a joke

let πŸ‘ buzzy πŸ‘ beetles πŸ‘ stand πŸ‘ upright πŸ‘

retrospring answers 

Q: birb?
A: yes indeed, birb!

Q: i have a question for bird! have you ever uhhhhhhhhhhhh you're cute
A: thanks! you're pretty cute too, for an anonymously sent line of text!

Q: how did you decide, or figure out, that you are birb?
A: (this one's too long for a toot, go here:

Q: what's the thing you like most about secretarybirds?
A: leggy

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ah yes, the notable home computer family, the Apple Right Square Bracket Left Square Bracket series

Did you know: @maple's instance,, dates back to the 70s? I unearthed a classic logo from those early days:

food, silly 

when you consider how fast this planet is moving, all food is fast food

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!