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petition to change the name of the act of kicking something to 'feet yeeting'

'Houston, Texas County, Missouri'

what the heck? why you haveta do this?

"I don't got the gum, so I'll kick you in the bum"
β€” Nada, They Live

me: *hears a bloop and sees @maple's avatar on the notification*
me to maple in the bedtime call: "let's see what you've posted about me"
me, to her: "go to sleep"


i put some cranberry juice in some almond milk because that's what was in the fridge and i wanted to know what it was like and it looked interesting

hey fediverse, give me recommendations for which english translation of The Divine Comedy to read and tell me why you recommend that version

the Wayback Machine is an incredibly important internet archive that still lets me see any time i want

found this on the bottom of a circuit board in an old record/cassette player i was disassembling

what's a good name for an average to low quality apartment building?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!