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Transformation mention in a non-kink context 

A thought: Species that reproduce by transforming others are predominantly found in or played as horror. I suspect this is because few stories about such have been written by trans people or otherkin.

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Nezumi boosted

Its a hassle to get working and it took some saving up for but it does quite a bit to relax in greatly reduced dysphoria. I finally know that sort of at peace feeling I hear other transgender folk talk about.

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Strap on a bunch of mocap just to take a nap in public, welcome to The Web 3.0 with maximum sleepy enby culture

There's plenty of friendly people on at this time though.


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Take over an abandoned big box store and build homes inside it. They don't need to be protected from the elements thanks to the structure already surrounding them, so you only need to worry about them being structurally sound if you're going to be building multi-level homes inside the building.

Why are mal-warts so fucking tall inside? Let's use that space for something other than making the malton family rich.

I'm expecting anyone who seems remotely leftist and is remotely mainstream to be terrible nowadays, so what's the deal with Jimmy Dore? Does he eat children? Juggle flaming kittens? March at the head of an army of murderous gnomes as he lays waste to the countryside?

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Fun game: when a conservative starts talking about how horribly authoritarian and misogynistic Muslim nations are, start telling them about Rojava

It's an experimental society based on small-scale direct democracy (arguably even *more* democratic than the west!), which has made huge strides for women's rights, religious freedom, and economic equality, and whose antifascist strategies have been absolutely vital to stopping the spread of ISIS! And it's majority Muslim too! Isn't that great? Don't you think we should give them all the support they need????

Then watch them reveal that, actually, their problem is with Islam and/or Brown people

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Happy Pride to whoever did this graffiti I found in Denver a few years ago

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#botw #zelda illustration for a charity zine that came out this summer. Finally got my copy in the mail not too long ago 💖

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wtf do you mean eating icecubes is weird and not "normal" fuck off with that shit it's like water in candy format without having to be loaded with sugar

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Rapidly transitioning to the Peppa Pig theme tune when the cops turn up at something you're DJing for is good praxis

Fetish stuff, Mind control, Maybe actual lesbophobia 

I have the weirdest kink for lesbians getting mind-controlled or corrupted or whatever bi or straight. I dunno why. I'm a lezzy, and before that I was a bi yuri fangirl (HRT killed or severely diminished my interest in guys), but it's... kinda really hot.

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Nezumi boosted

Downwell for Switch is only $1.50 on the (for sure US, dunno about other countries) eShop

Vaguely fetishy, bimbo mention 

Bimbo/Nerdgirl couples are super good, and I don't know why.

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gender is like if everyone decided that everything was either france or germany

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hornyposting, drugs 

normal brain: weed that turns you into a bimbo
glowing brain: weed that turns you into a hyena
galaxy brain: weed that turns you into a fat high dragon

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Nezumi boosted
Nezumi boosted

Here's part one!
1: me and @rycuda havin' a snug on a couch by @catterfly
2: Also me, by Catterfly as well, havin' a sip of a nice big mug of tea.
3: I mean these are all gonna be me so... This one is by @Velvettey on birdsite!
4: and this one is by Kuwater on FA <3

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!