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Canonically, the genre of games: Naps, Noms, sNuggles, Nlesbians

9/11 shitpost, spicy 

Getting fired for sending a company-wide email wishing everyone a happy 9/11


i'm so tired i really want to bash my skull in until i lose consciousness

i got the wendy's spicy chicken sandwich after all these years

using a battleaxe to commit acts of battle

Securing root by storing my password in plaintext but adding two false characters at the end to confuse bots

I cleverly secured my home by moving my front door a foot to the left

nsfw sexual 

just watchin a video with my girlfriend talking about how to eat pussy

The airline’s website says I'm good until the late 1800s.

Barbie Doll Nudity 

A group of outfit commissions for @Zelli <3 If you'd like a dress up doll like this my fees are:
$15 for one dress up doll with 3 outfits.
Then after that $5 for 3 more outfits at any point after the doll is created.
#creativetoots #mastoart #rabbit #furry #bunny #chibi #illustration #digitalart

"Corgi" is actually plural. If you only have one dog, it's a corgus.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!