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i don't understand why people cultivate bad news on here like stinky little eggs

@hergaiety Stay tuned for the answer, because good news is on the way!

@emily oooh I'm intrigued! would you recommend the specific one you bought?

I’d forgotten I’d named this printer ‘Live Laugh LocalTalk’ :D #LiveLaughLocalTalk


It’s a known fact that trans werewolves love all-you-can-eat sushi

#Apple should release an app called Find Moof that allows you to locate the nearest dogcow. :dogcow:

I have two (2!!!) portraits by @mavica_again, one in each of the styles that it currently offers ("MS-DOS Executive" and "Finder Icon") and I love them. mavica is really good at channeling a person's likeness down into a grid of curiously expressive pixels. You should commission it!


here's me putting 98% of my resources into appearing human during a work Zoom call

@ultranurd @mac84tv I'd love to do a book on Ambrosia specifically one day. I wonder sometimes if the market is big enough to justify the work (it'd be a labour of love, but I'd at least need to make *some money*), but it's been encouraging to see even a few years later I get a steady 200-300 people digging into the PAX talk I republished about Ambrosia at

thank you @hergaiety for another portrait commission!

check upthread if you too would like a pixel portrait such as this!

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I want to do something extremely difficult in the face of indifferent wilderness. I want to do the hardest thing I am capable of, mentally and physically, in a cathedral of mountains that will remain unchanged while I grow old and turn to dust. I cannot explain this.

@SteelWool it is sapphic-coded in a way that allows for various body configurations

North: Finding My Way While Running the Appalachian Trail by Scott Jurek, Jenny Jurek
This is a memoir of #vegan ultrarunner Jurek's attempt to break the speed record for running the Trail.
@bookstodon #memoir #wfpb #veganuary

do not open lizard inside 

also the land mullets are finally back!! jojo took these photos of this big unit that was hanging around

haven’t seen one for a few months, i think they’ve been off having their babies

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i used to write for hackaday! between 2019 and 2021 i got to write daily articles, plus some longer features! it was my first (and so far only) writing gig so it was quite daunting as a tech-first person and i'm really proud of the work i've done

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re: Nsfw nerd joke vaguely kink related 

@hergaiety yes you should

Enough is enough. In 2023 I'm gonna need a new album from either Boards of Canada or Massive Attack.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!