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@ultranurd oh wow!! I’m really happy (and a little astonished) that it’s making the rounds!

@hergaiety big same. I want to be offset from my actual home by some multiple of Planck distance

mutual aid request, boosts appreciated 

I guess I need to do this. The math works out that for the next few years I'm simply not making enough money and I'm already dangerously close to burning out so hard I may not be able to keep my job. I'm holding on for now but I need help, plain and simple.

It started as a quick email about why I wasn't going to write something about New College.

@mavica_again I am glad that the thing I am steadfastly refuses all attempts to name it, gender it, or categorize it, beyond the word “werewolf”. Symbols are powerful but I don’t feel compelled to force myself into a group with any sort of dogma. Maybe that’s not what the symbol is, but it just ain’t for me

An older picture (2003) from the Critter Costuming photo shoot. I was still using Silvermane's old hands and feet from the haunt.

#WerewolfWednesday #Fursuit

This place still isn’t complete without Misty View aka Cheatlines

@mavica_again @Atatra i know the EXACT texture you're describing with icing. when it air-dries for a day and the sugar verrrrry slightly re-crystalizes and there's a crumbly sort of tooth to it

re: lewd dumb railway joke 

@selectric i'm in tears he just keeps going

imo you should wish @mavica_again a happy birthday as it leaves behind a year plagued with hardships and enters a year that promises to be filled with some seriously rad shit. it is long overdue for an upward trend in its circumstances, and some birthday wishes and positive interactions are a nice way to help that along.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!