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internet guy: human nature is we're all animals who eat each other and fuck things up, civilization isn't natural

actual humans in nature: this kinda sucks, what if we started working together and farming and building houses

Aside from '70s Super Star Trek clones, the only actual C64 Star Trek game I can find is an Infocom-style Star Trek III RPG.

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This rendition makes me want to load up a ST:Voyager-themed space trading/combat game on the C64.

All the "piracy is bad" takes remind me of that time the RIAA claimed Limewire owed them $75 trillion for piracy.

More than the entire world's annual GDP.

More than the whole industry made since the phonograph's invention in 1877.

Arista v. Limewire

you heard of market price egg nog egg nog egg nog now get reay for SOUP soup Break SOUP relax... SOUP taste


losing my shit at this bowl i saw at winco


@mavica_again I read it as "to" instantly. For the hashtag, I've seen it on Thursdays, too.

This week I learned: how to manage S3-compatible storage with s3cmd, duck, and rclone. I also learned that of those 3 only rclone does effectively remote-to-remote copies.

Some of you took this recommendation too seriously. Get outside and get some sun once in a while.

@LaserScheme I can't remember, but it was somewhat recently: 5-10 years ago. But just a few months ago, I saw someone at a different company use one.

Is there any OS for commodity tablets that does NOT decide to tie up the wifi connection to download & install updates on a whim during Internet field site surveys & speed trials?

we're seeing sweetness levels at about 59%

(59%) ■■■■■□□□□□


First rule of show business—Never work with children, wild animals, or an IBM PS/2 on live television:


capitalist tech rant 

@quirk Or skips the "recommends" step.

capitalist tech rant 

I especially don't want an appliance that would rather do obviously zany misrecognition, think I like the misrecognized thing, and buy things based on it, than admit its ignorance and not worry about it.

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capitalist tech rant 

Appliances that buy things for me with my money, from no vendor but a single store with surprisingly limited inventory, benefits no one but the single locked-in vendor. That's a terribly high price to pay for convenience.

Will it allow me to store sandwiches made from unauthorized bread?

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capitalist tech rant 

I don't like this or want this.

I don't want a refrigerator that does something zany when faced with something it doesn't recognize, or demand I justify anything I store in it.

I don't want an appliance of any kind that makes purchasing decisions for me.

computer levels are 76% and rising

(76%) ■■■■■■■□□□

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!