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solilo guy boosted

Hello, campers!

After much discussion, I think the hashtag I'm going to recommend for talking about comics stuff, whether it's WIPs, scripts, story ideas, thumbnails, panel compositions, dialogue balloons, pacing, etc. is going to be:


Use that hashtag whenever you talk about making your #comics to connect with a wider community of comic and narrative art creators in the :fediverse: Fediverse.

Keep being awesome, campers! ⛺


Shameless comics workshop plug/brag 

So in two weeks time there‘ll be another round of my workshop in .
It‘s unique in that it‘s not a basic course but an advanced project mentoring for everything you ever wanted to start/finish.
I already have enough attendees, but hey, we‘ll have comics phenomenon Ulli Lust talking about her creative process, we‘ll be printing an anthology and presenting it at this year‘s festival.
DM me for details if you're interested.

solilo guy boosted

feel like there's a lot of folks here who'd be interested in a new graphic novel about Helen Keremos, the first lesbian pulp fiction detective.

Margaret Atwood convinced the author, Eve Zaremba (88), to revive the character. I am very very intrigued.

Neighborly advice from Berlin-Kreuzberg:
Don‘t give yourself to Google, y‘all.


solilo guy boosted

Lapplandreise Zugreise Menstruation Stockholm Kunst 

Metrokunst! Zeichnungen von Liv Strömkvist

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solilo guy boosted

Hey everyone! Here's the official *official* announcement post for #TalesFromTheFediverse! I've gotten enough interest (39 boosts can't be all that wrong) and enough submissions to legitimize this as a true project!

If you haven't submitted yet but want to, don't fret! There's still time! Submissions can be either comics or prose, it all depends on your area of expertise. This is *Tales* From The Fediverse (not *Comics* From The Fediverse) after all.

As always, boosts are appreciated!

solilo guy boosted

The East German Secret Police’s Illustrated Guide for Identifying Youth Subcultures: Punks, Goths, Teds & More (1985)

solilo guy boosted

Liebe MediengestalterInnen: bei mir an der StaBi Berlin ist eine Stelle zu besetzen. Mit E11 wird man nicht reich - aber vielleicht glücklich. Cooles Team, viel Freiheit, keine Pitches und Wochenenden. Und das beste: entfristet.
Gerne weiterboosten. Fragen direkt an mich.

solilo guy boosted

Die Berliner Morgenpost hat sich mal die Redezeit von Männern und Frauen von Oscar-Filmen der letzten Jahre angesehen. Es ist schon auch immer wieder erschreckend.

solilo guy boosted

I was wrong about Google and Facebook: there’s nothing wrong with them (so say we all)

It’s always difficult admitting you’re wrong. But sometimes you have to in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. So, today, I admit that I was wrong about Google, Facebook, & surveillance capitalism in general being toxic for our human rights and democracy … it simply cannot be true given how they are endorsed by some of the most well-respected organisations in the world.

Last long post, notes 

Many thanks to Carolyn for all the time and effort she put into this.
Please share and boost and gift away!

(And one last great gift for adults, whether you‘re a comics fan or not: Carolyn Cocca‘s own Superwomen: Gender, Power, and Representation – such a comprehensive and fascinating overview of pop culture heroines.)

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Long posts, recommendations of gender-sensitive superhero comics for kids/teens 

She also recommended checking out old X-Men + New Mutants titles, although she considers them a bit melodramatic.

And a great graphic novel she recently read and recommended:
* The Prince and the Dressmaker

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Long posts, recommendations of gender-sensitive superhero comics for kids/teens, suicide mention 

* Runaways – Vaughan
(I haven‘t read the new one but have heard it‘s good)
* Super Sons – Tomasi
* Young Avengers – Gillen/McKelvie
* Teen Titans Go/Li‘l Gotham/Tiny Titans

Also recommended – starring girls:
* DC Superhero Girls
* Moon Girl
* Supergirl 8th Grade
* Lumberjanes
* My Little Pony
* Princeless
* Unstoppable Wasp

+ no superheroes but it‘s good:
* Secret Science Alliance

[End of list]

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Long posts, recommendations of gender-sensitive superhero comics for kids/teens, suicide mention 

So here it goes, I‘m reproducing what Carolyn noted down for me:
* Ms. Marvel – G. Willow Wilson
* Squirrel Girl – Henderson/North
* Pet Avengers – Eliopoulos
(The Avengers‘ and others pets beat Thanos! – It‘s great!)
* Scooby Doo Team Up – Fisch
(Each issue they team up with DC superheroes)
* Champions – Waid


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Long posts, recommendations of gender-sensitive superhero comics for kids/teens 

*Until* I met superhero enthusiast and expert Dr. Carolyn Cocca, who had a talk at the annual meeting of the German society for Comics Studies in Cologne last fall.

She came up with this incredible impromptu list of socially conscious, kid-friendly superhero comics, and after having asked for her permission, I would like to share it with everyone interested in the following toots.

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Long posts, recommendations of gender-sensitive superhero comics for kids/teens, suicide mention 

I grew up with Marvel superhero comics, felt Sue Storm‘s empowerment when she took on the name of Invisible Woman (instead of Girl), and cried when Jean Grey took her own life.

Yet when asked to recommend interesting and fun superhero comics for children and teenager, I had a hard time coming up with material that wasn‘t exclusively written by and about masculine, hetero, white and able-bodied men.

solilo guy boosted

Hallo #comic Masto! Gibt es hier Menschen, die mich mit aktiver Mitarbeit darin unterstützen würden, ein Jahrbuch aller in 2019 erscheinenden #indiecomics aus Deutschland (gerne auch Österreich+Schweiz) zu produzieren?

Boosts welcome, auch in andere Communities!

solilo guy boosted

Dystopia is a white people word that means “what if all that shit happened TO US?!?”

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!