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solilo guy boosted

one of the worst aspects of this stupid future is how the opposite of "yes" became "learn more"

solilo guy boosted
solilo guy boosted

Art Spiegelman: golden age superheroes were shaped by the rise of fascism.

Read the essay that Spiegelman published in the Guardian after Marvel reportedly asked him to censor a section that referred to our current president.

No #fairies in #Iceland, you say? [self, no ec] 

Tired and happy and back.

solilo guy boosted

#Libra, your Love Horoscope is more than just a little concerning. A plethora of hoop snakes are rolling in your direction. It's a bad omen. Shortly after their passage, a succubus will enter you in your sleep and remove your soul with a silver fork. The intercourse will be heavenly, but you will surely be damned to Hell.

Hæ there!

If this toot is still pinned, I am AFK on my mission – chasing Elves and Walking Children in Nature.

It also means that I’m not able to see DMs or review follower requests atm.

Wish me luck and have a great summer!✨

If they think we’re merely raising humble tax payers here, they’re in for a reeeal treat. 🤫


State of infosec awareness in the comics community 

Fellow comic artist looking at my calling card: “Ah, you’re listing all Hex color codes you’ve used – that’s so meta, I love it!”

Me: “Thanks, um, plus, it’s my fingerprint.”



solilo guy boosted

Hey that’s a very good way to show the indecision when talking in IM

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solilo guy boosted

Woo! Over 100 star thingies! I might be new to this game, but I think I won! 🎉

So… what happens now? Confetti pixels? That little Tetris rocket? I’m so ready!

Subtoot-stadium wave in 3… 2… 1…

\o/ o o o o o o

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solilo guy boosted

Containern: verboten.
Die-In im Bundestag: verboten.
Freitags die Schule zu bestreiken: verboten.
Über Abschiebungen zu informieren oder sie zu verhindern: verboten.
Seenotrettung: verboten.
Tierschutzverstöße zu dokumentieren: verboten.

Tut verbotene Sachen, es ist so wichtig!

For years I saw this car in my neighborhood, assuming its owner simply attached some pre-printed ornamental foil.

Then one day recently, I saw this young lady squatting in front of it, edding marker in hand, carefully adding line for line.

And I realized: the whole sprawling floral madness of sea-horses, algae and jellyfish is completely handmade!

Kudos, unknown neighbor – this is what determination looks like.

On the bright side, it's June now and that means years of yearning and longing are over: in a few weeks I will be able to see again!

I have some research to do there for my comics project, especially on the eastern coast (Seyðisfjörður, Borgarfjörður Eystri). *And* some serious catching up with my favourite place on Earth.

It's been too long and I'm getting excited!

Gentrification - 

Went to see the finale in a spot that for years rightfully called itself “the cheapest bar in town on the cheapest street in town“ – just to learn that they will have to close end of June.
in still going strong, still weakening subcultures. :-(

solilo guy boosted

Ich habe eine Anfrage bekommen von einer Berliner Aufklärungsinitiative, die ein_e (Computer)Spieleautor_in sucht, di_er sich mit queeren Themen auskennt. (Also Spiele-Entwicklungsteam sucht Autor_in) Fällt da irgendwem von Euch irgendjemand ein? (Gerne weitertröten)

solilo guy boosted
solilo guy boosted
solilo guy boosted

We've got big news.

After months of work, Tor Browser is now stable on Android.

Tor Browser 8.5 brings the highest degree of privacy and censorship-circumvention available to Android users.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!