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"blocking anyone who doesn't cw american politics" I should be doin the same

eurritz boosted

The more I experience other geeky subcultures/fandoms through the people that I follow, the more I realise that the toxicity/gatekeeping/drama isn't specific to particular interests but that there are jerks and assholes everywhere.

I don't know how to solve that other than trying to set a good example and be a better person.

Listening to Into The Overdrive for two hours non stop

eurritz boosted

Have you run out of things to worry about? Let me help:

People at the equator are spinning around the planet at 1,037 mph.
The planet is spinning around the sun at 67,000 mph.
The solar system is spinning around the galaxy at 514,000 mph.
The whole galaxy is careening toward a collision with Andromeda at 300,000 mph.

I don't see this ending well.

Às vezes esqueço que você é brasileire

eurritz boosted

did you really save bandwidtch converting my animated 180x180 pixel art that originally measured less than 8kB into an mp4 with the wrong frame lengths? did you? bitch

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eurritz boosted
eurritz boosted

that tumblr

"I have no idea what you're real name is or what your face even looks like, but because we've been following each other and reblogging each others stuff for years consistently I guess we're best friends?"

eurritz boosted

entity formerly known as Twitter 

God they're actually renaming tweetdeck now, it's xpro now or some crap. how much you wanna bet that clashes with some pay ware hex editor or CAD program

eurritz boosted

I made a website today, by installing Microsoft FrontPage 98 on a 26-year-old laptop. And that website is about golf simulators. Well, more specifically, that website is about two bookshelves that contain golf simulators.

Get to know the Golfshrine at - retro browsers welcomed!

eurritz boosted

The First Law of Robotics is not even available as an optional feature by most self-driving car manufacturers. This is perfectly acceptable & even unavoidable in a country where your car has more rights than you have.

eurritz boosted
eurritz boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!