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meta, hiatus 

I think I'm going to be taking an extended break from mastodon.

I'm feeling miserable and the constant stream of posts is just making me anxious.

I love you all.


Hi! We are the Nonbinary Wiki, an free online resource about #nonbinary #gender identities. As a wiki, we are a volunteer-powered, not-for-profit project, so I thought that having a Mastodon account would be a good idea.

Check us out here:

relationships, (~) 

One of my partners pointed out something they were disappointed in, and it made me realise that I've been treating all my partners with a lack of respect and care; some days even treating them as interchangeable.

I need to work on fixing this, and getting things back on track, but it's going to take time and effort - the time and effort I should have been devoting to them anyway.

Don't reply to this post telling me that I'm good. Do reply with sincere advice, if you have any.

I think the program that caused this was firefox with twitter open in it, because I rebooted, and now without firefox open it's been stable for quite a while

(although my brightness is lower now, so that's a factor too)

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Worldbuilding, fantasy, merging 

Worldbuilding thought!! A geographic region where, due to natural magical processes, every person entering gets mentally merged with everyone else present, becoming a single person with however many bodies there happen to be in the area. Whenever one person's body leaves the region, their mind is unmerged and put back in that one body without causing any harm.

I'm gonna move my github repositories onto NotABug, and just keep the github ones as backups

is there an easy way to figure out what's using all your battery on linux?

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💻 : 100% battery~
me: cool, let's unplug
*20 minutes pass*
💻 : 77% battery~
me: hmm, a bit fast, but ok
*1 minute passes*
💻 : 47% battery~
me: wait, what? oh maybe I misread it
*10 seconds pass*
💻 : 5% battery~
me: hECK
*grabs cable, plugs in*
💻 : 2% battery, now charging

Classic Doctor Who :: [Season 3] 

episode 11 of The Dalek's Master Plan is interesting - the doctor goes missing right at the start, and isn't seen for the rest of the episode

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I need a coding project to work on...

give me suggestions?

(I can't/don't want to do webdev, and I'd prefer to have my own choice of programming language)

Classic Doctor Who :: [Season 3], racism 

looks like I really do need to add a content warnings section

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Classic Doctor Who :: [Season 3], racism 

*realises that the villain in this story is wearing dark makeup and some fake folds to make him look south east asian*


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goodnight, mental health (~) 

here come the late night "you're not good enough thoughts"

so I think it's time for bed


@lizardsquid Funny story. This is the only Christmas special of Classic Who, and it was made because producers didn’t want people who didn’t watch on Christmas missing story, and didn’t want people who *did* watch having nothing to watch. So they compromised on meaningless mayhem, and Steven looking real good in a police uniform.

@lizardsquid I tried to make a concept of one (don't know how to work with vectors at all, so...) but it doesn't look like much.

Except sparkles. It looks like it's sparkling. :3

hey i drew some for and now i have to retire from art forever since this sapped up all of my energy oof

my commissions... are moving slowly, but they're open ->
tip me to help lift my spirits and motivation in these tiring times ->

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!