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i really just do attract the type of abuser who will make it your problem when you stand up to their abuse and make others think that you're the problem and turn all of them against you

tried out a new boy today

quite interesting, reminds me a lot of red bull but much sweeter and much cheaper

anyway turns out the battery in the ipaq 214 isn't as dead as i thought it was and i got linux running on it and there's a version of pidgin in the angstrom repos and idk this is just dumb fun

i'm glad i was able to flee the toxic people in my life who spread misinformation about me and i take solace in knowing they are still seething about me living my best life today.

People are saying “hey back atcha” but more and more they should be saying “pay mavica” @mavica_again

debian systems want you to make a whole chroot so you can apt libs for different archs ?????? surely there's a better way ???

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oh opkg works if you replace with !!!!

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using an OTG cable it seems to be more conducive to actually charging the battery

and now the ipaq 214 is running angstrom linux

unfortunately seems like the angstrom linux servers are no longer online so i can't fetch their opkgs, bummer

there seem to be some custom roms for HP ipaq models 21x but they're all link rotten to megaupload and rapidshare :/

more movies should do what Escape from L.A. did and have a surfing scene slapped in there for fun

i'm really cool and i make really cool stuff and i should get paid to keep doing really cool stuff reblog if you agree

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!