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The money we've gotten so far has been a huge help, and i'm really grateful, but we're still less than halfway towards our goal, and costs aren't getting any lower, as well as the cost of living here getting worse, anything else you can spare helps, and all boosts are welcome, we need the help to try and stabilize our lives and be happy

is there some reason why F-Droid's search is so abysmal that i struggle to find an app by typing its exact name in the search

if one more person fear mongers about 3dses being unable to jailbreak after the eshop closes im gonna go nuts

there's so much we want to be able to explain to others about our system that just doesn't fit in words

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saying croissant back and forth to each other in a funny voice is a love language

Hey, Computer Fairies!

So I had to migrate our emails (for notifications, confirmations, &c) to a new host, and they defaulted to inserting web beacons and rewriting links in order to track you, and without telling me.

I've just turned that tracking crap none of us need off, but please, *please*, **PLEASE** let me or @arielmt know if you're still getting tracking links in your email notifs!

Thanks, and sorry.

if you're tired of seeing mentally ill trans dykes venting on your timeline, you can purchase our silence for the price of a large pizza, a bottle of rum, sides and soda, make it 30 pounds

Let’s get these two beautiful critters MARRIED. Give ‘em 5gbp, give ‘em 15, if you just bought a new Apple thing give ‘em 150, let’s gooooo I need to see @Atatra all dolled up and @mavica_again in a tuxedo!!!

dude... the vga port on the slot-loader G3 imacs is not secret.....

today i released version 3.5 of webgbcam, my web app that simulates a game boy camera!

current features:
- settable gamma/contrast
- settable palette from curated selection
- settings are kept for the next session (new!)
- record 5-second gif
- 3-second timer to frame your shot
- swap between front and back cameras on mobile
- tweak camera settings after taking a shot
- hide the UI & use it as a window capture for streams!

picture courtesy of me bothering @Atatra 💜

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!