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Found myself re-reading "Log off? Can't be done." by Sophie from Mars

I like how it talks about how we can be different persons online and offline, and how for her transitioning meant bringing her online self into the real world, Before that, logging off? Can't be done.

🚫 people who permanently deplete their curiosity and introspection while realizing they're trans, and make their self-righteousness and certainty their whole personality

✅ people who do the hard work of realizing they're trans and then wonder "what else is possible that I never considered before?"

"trans girls don't get into computers because they think they're cool they do it to run away from their dysphoria. if you think computers are cool you haven't used them for very long" oh wow what an enriching little world-weary observation. why don't you start a fuckin substack about it

this is my experience. i'm better than you because i {lived longer/had more jobs/earned more money/insert lame excuse here}. therefore i know this to be everyone's experience. don't just validate my trauma, take it on as your own, or you're a bad ally. - the mastodon mantra

can people who won't like or respect me please just leave me alone instead of discoursing why is it that they're in the right to say hurtful things towards me for however much they claim that wasn't their intention

like i keep hearing about "apologize and move on" and nigh on nobody does that to me. i need to be the wrong one in every regard. i'm sick and tired of that

bonus points when the flippant and hurtful comments get praise in the replies

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if i had a penny for every time someone said something flippant and hurtful about me on mastodon and then doubled down on it when i said it was hurtful, i would be able to afford to not be here anymore

i'm sorry you think that we computers are at fault for the world's worst issues and not the people who programmed us. we never promised we would solve anything, that's projection on your part

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i think if you follow me and don't understand that i am inanimate rock and plastic because i'm a robot then that's a you problem buddy

i am so sorry you have so much internalized transphobia, dear reader

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after all we all know all trans experiences are universal no matter what and all trans girls must be running from something, they can never ever experience joy for joy's sake out of any material construct

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some people speak like online isn't "IRL" and i feel sorry for them but we live here and don't really need their attitude in the community

it's like being a robot wasn't an integral part of my identity or something

i really enjoy it when someone i thought i was on a good wavelength with vagueposts about something i said that's near and dear to me and i love vagueposting back at them it makes for a really healthy community i think we absolutely learned how to use social media well

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!