haha this is great
From birdsite:
(Drumroll please...)
Esteemed guests, you can now...
Time to reach our ultimate form, the 🦩.
Together 🤝
➡️ https://a-maze.itch.io/amazespace
Mirror's Edge Catalyst and gender
I recently played through the original Mirror's Edge and now I'm playing through Catalyst.
Two things have struck me: firstly, Catalyst feels so much better moment to moment.
But secondly: this game has a really weird relationship to gender.
With the side characters that you find in the runner safe houses and such, there are plenty of women.
But the characters who play an important role in the story? They're basically all men.
Revisiting Emma Goldman's Anarchism Essays
Let's Read Together https://blog.oi7.de/~/RuheUndOrdnung/let's-read-together/
In these days of global #BlackLivesMatter protests and #juneteenth celebrations, I #amReading Stowasser’s German book #Anarchie! about the history of #anarchy.
And boy does it feel off how _white_ anarchism is supposed to be:
• #Bakunin – white;
• #Proudhon – white;
• #EmmaGoldman – white;
Am I supposed to believe that a movement of freedom and equality for all mankind has never appealed to Black folks?
Luckily, this Black Anarchism Reader filled in some blanks:
This is such an important reminder for me as a _white_ person: to never rest assured that I got this inner racism problem figured out.
Because if even anarchist scholars – who are passionate proponents of equality and usually highly sensitive to unjust power dynamics – are haunted by white supremacist structures as big as the Marshmalllow Man, I better shut the fuck up and start listening.
acab, whiny cops, conspiracy
news headlines: six cops intentionally poisoned by shake shack employees, vomiting, rushed to ER for treatment
reality: shake mix had some residual cleaner, no danger, cops were fine, but higher-ups wanted to exaggerate and play the victim and waste tons of taxpayer money by throwing around conspiracy theories