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@maple I can only hope that you'll be bunevolent and forgive me for the puns

I was on a roll

@maple or, I'm sure you'll find an abundance of bunny puns, a true bunanza, and in fact, a bunch

@maple oh I'm sure you will, you've just got to believe in yourself!

@noelle damnit ellie, making me look up deprecated temperature measures

I have no idea what today's discourse is about and I'd very much like to keep it that way please

@yiffpolice :thaenkin: this assumes that the playing surface is flat...

how would it have to curve in order to work?

@softgoat yep, the big ones are the original, the mini ones are more popular these days though

@vantablack probably most of the non-abrahamic ones as well but I know less about them

octopus wants soff fuzzy pyjamas

there has to be somewhere that stocks pyjamas with 8 arms

ukpol, brexit 

May has said that a second referendum would "destroy trust in politicians"

Uh... who's going to tell her?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!