We've got pins!
Freshly delivered to the @transbian shipping and fulfillment centre and ready to be sent out by our crack team of trained hedgehogs!
@maple "Welcome to the starship Mirai, here's the bridge... here's engineering... here's the engine... here's the coffee machine... here's the maple"
Here's a watch brand that's often overlooked, Ochs und Junior
They're all designed by Ludwig Oechslin who is, with no exaggeration whatsoever, a fucking genius when it comes to watchmaking
Their flagship piece is their perpetual calendar, where other brands use a couple of hundred parts over the base movement to make that complication Oechslin found a way to do it in 9
They've also got a pretty neat take on a dual time zone watch and one that shows you length of day
alt-right dickhead
I really want to see Shapiro go up against Paxman, that'd be fucking hilarious
alt-right dickhead
Now, I'm not exactly the biggest fan of Andrew Neil as a person (the Thatcherite bastard) but occasionally his interviews are quite fun
Here's Ben Shapiro losing it when being interviewed by him https://youtu.be/e82PJiY8RIY
Or, in terms he seems to prefer, Ben Shapiro gets DESTROYED by Andrew Neil
Hedgehog wrangler, cat feeder, octopus whomst love smol critters
"i never thought someone could be such a watch nerd and yet here you are" ~ @maple