Of course this exists
A kit to add a flamethrower to your drone
I may have been too quick to judge, a false caseback, some incredibly annoying spring bars, and a battery change later the alarm works properly and the backlight, while still awful, doesn't make the screen dim
I take it back, this is actually a functional watch
Came across one of these in a shop on clearance and had to pick it up
It is by far the worst watch in my collection
The backlight is somehow worse than on the F91-W, when it's on the entire display dims so you still can't see the time
The alarm doesn't work, and not only doesn't work when it's meant to go off, it crashes the watch completely and resets the current time to midnight
It's terrible. I love it
Hedgehog wrangler, cat feeder, octopus whomst love smol critters
"i never thought someone could be such a watch nerd and yet here you are" ~ @maple