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Just powerwashed the patio

entirely forgot it was that colour

I've been informed that a hedgehog house I made someone now has some inhabitants!

two adults and some baby hedgehogs!

Watching the news about the Derbyshire floods and all I can think is how much Chinooks look like shocked/concerned frogs from the back

ukpol, + 

In a good sign that UKIP are finished, they got fewer votes than the Monster Raving Loony Party in the Brecon and Radnorshire by-election

This looks interesting, the AAASY Supercolor watch

90's inspired, custom module that lets you change the colour of the display (between 8 different colours), and some quite nice looking strap options


One of the things was a toaster with a "bagel" setting

what the fuck is a bagel setting and how many fucking bagels are you eating to necessitate a dedicated toaster setting for it?

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This "Shop Well for Less" programme is a goldmine of "Wait, I don't even know what that is" and "You spent HOW FUCKING MUCH on a X"


but, Sam, if we strip all the trappings of the Ship Of Theseus paradox is it the SAME paradox?!

or have we reached


The Ship of Theseus paradox is more widely known in the UK as the paradox of Trigger's Broom because of this scene from Only Fools and Horses

This is your occasional reminder that until 1993 the existence of Post Office Tower in London was an official state secret

Despite it being 177 metres tall, in central London, and having both a revolving restaurant and a gift shop

the words "bleep bloop soup" are bouncing around my head for no good reason

I guess it's some sort of soup for robots?

when you think about it the fact I can just put a thing in a red box here and have it appear somewhere on the other side of the world days later is pretty damn neat

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!