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covid-19 silly, alc 

This quarantine season, why not enjoy a gin and tonic?

Tonic water contains quinine which is another anti-malarial that so far has shown as much evidence for effectiveness against covid-19 in proper clinical trials as that hydroxychloroquine stuff trump's been pushing

(Which is to say none at all because nobody's published one yet. This may or may not change when somebody's actually completed a proper clinical trial on either of them for this purpose)

In star wars, droids without their casings are referred to as naked

which means c-3po is wearing a crop top

I've had a Hamilton Khaki Pilot Pioneer Mechanical (the W10 reissue) for a little while and I really am quite impressed with it

Timekeeping is at about +0.7s a day, maybe +- a second either way on the outside

It's light, comfortable, legible even in the dark (although there's not much lume so you might need to let your eyes adjust to the darkness for a second)

Good watch, octopus approved

also, how're things gonna go at the second comming?

" made that your logo?"

"it represents your sacrifice!"

"it represents possibly the shittest day I ever had on earth is what it does. Why couldn't you have gone with the fish one or something?"

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anyone else find it really weird that christians call the day their saviour was nailed to a tree "good" friday?

(yes, I know the etymology is murky and it likely has no connection to how we'd use the word good/positive/nice today, still weird)

Cruz, Turner, Kennedy, Roosevelt, Bundy, Kaczynski

This has been my Ted talk

build a small cardboard city, then be the Youzilla you wanted to see destroy it! act like a government or corporation, right in your own home

I want a glass-sided toaster so I can see how toasty the bread is getting while it's in there

Hooray! My trackball has been repaired!

(touch wood, this was like 10 minutes ago so there's still time for some problem or other to raise its ugly head)

Left click started working intermittently so I swapped out the old microswitch for a new one

No pictures because I always forget to take any in process and also my soldering sucks

🎶 I need seaweed
(Kelp!) Not just any weed
(Kelp!) You know I need seaweed

covid-19, blasphemy 

ah yes, easter

an appropriate tale for this time of coronavirus

the story of everyone being confused seeing some guy walking around when he was definitely meant to stay the fuck inside

This is going to be a "sam gets entirely hacked off at tech day" I'm sure of it

Stuff that's been having problems:
Answer Machine
Laptop webcam

If that printer so much as looks at me funny today I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD I'LL *angery octopus noises*

The Queen did her speech to the nation while wearing green

This has resulted in exactly what you'd expect

(collection of images follows, all showing the Queen photoshopped to be wearing various t-shirts)


for non-UK people, I am not making that last bit up

this picture of Ed Miliband eating a sandwich pretty much killed all his hopes of getting elected

it was a simpler time

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!