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England: You name it, we'll chuck it in a jar of vinegar and eat it a couple of months later

screen name history 

can't remember
troubleMoney/Sam the Octopus

Please be on the lookout for further signs of the apocalypse

The pharmacy actually had my meds ready when I went in to collect them today

This never happens, and is obviously a sign of the end times

BREAKING: 'They' Is Fucking Plural, Right? We'll Ask Someone, And They'll Answer, And THAT'S AN EXAMPLE RIGHT THERE AND IT READ JUST FINE TO YOU. So Shut Up About Plural 'They' Somehow Being Wrong Already, For Fuck's Sake!

Switching to my other computer until this security fiasco is fixed. Bonus: it boots in less than a second.

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It was me, James.

It's always been me.

The chip foundry of all your pain.

Why standard watches are better than smartwatches:

They're not affected by Meltdown/Spectre

I've just remembered why I don't change straps on my watch that often, spring bars are really annoying

hot take 

Here's an idea. Maybe don't run everything in a browser

Maybe use browsers for browsing the web and use native applications for email, chat, word processing, spreadsheets, etc.

Maybe things would be a lot better when everything doesn't have to be crammed into a web UI

Novel idea, I know, but it might just work

Oh for fuck's sake

New ThinkPad, the X280

No Ethernet port, no PowerBridge, no replaceable battery, no 2.5" HDD bay, no full size SD card reader, and soldered RAM


dowser discourse 

They try to use forked sticks to find water or something?

In the inevitable season of Dancing with the Stars (or whatever the hell American for Strictly Come Dancing is) featuring people from the Trump presidency it's almost guaranteed that Anthony Scaramucci is going to do the Fandango

look I just want y'all to know that @squirrel is super great and makes music and is learning to do PICO-8 stuff and draws really well and does a Thursday-night let's play stream at @squirrel_chan you should check her out

I've been kinda wanting a Commodore 64 for a while

Didn't think I'd ever add "more secure" to the list of reasons to get one

It's a bad vulnerability, but the logo for Spectre is really cute

:thaenkin: A robotic punk rock band fronted by a maplebot would be both adorable and kick-ass

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!