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any time I hear billie eilish's "bad guy" on the radio I always expect it to segue into "we are number one"

thanks internet, you've ruined me

I'm sure everyone knows about them, but here's a reminder that harvest mice exist.

"let's sand down that wall for repainting" I thought

nope, paint all ended up flaking off so had to strip the paint from the entire wall

eu/local pol 

looking at the detailed breakdown of the voting it appears that just over 50% of the people who voted in my area are complete cunts*

sucks but honestly I'm a bit surprised that percentage wasn't higher

*voted for the brexit party, conservatives, ukip, or the english democrats

Someone reminded me of the Channel 4 dating programme Naked Attraction and I really want it to be broadcast in the USA so I can watch the moral outrage they're bound to have over it

Also it'll help get rid of the stereotype they have of us being all prim and proper

elon musk

Elon Musk's hyperloop project is now literally just a tunnel

His company spent two years and fuck knows how much money developing a tunnel

I can only imagine that the BFR is just a catapult at this point

I came across this, a video about little tiny wireless LEDs

I'm thinking that those, combined with an induction loop in a necklace or something, might be useful for cool cyberpunky light up makeup effects

Or hiding wires might just be easier, I don't know, I know bugger all about things you apply to faces

Okay this Huawei thing is really bringing up a few issues around a lot of standards bodies being based in the US

The SD Association is based in California which means that Huawei can't say their products support SD cards

And the Wi-Fi Alliance is based in Texas which means Huawei won't be to certify that their products work with wi-fi

And the Bluetooth SIG is based in Washington, which means they can't use Bluetooth

This is a problem

paws are pretty damn awesome

if I didn't have these gert big wiggly arms I'd totally have paws


couldn't she have moved it forward to the 31st though?

"May ends on the 31st" would have been a good headline

At least we've still got "June marks end of May"

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Wanna know how a quartz watch works?

This is Steve Mould explaining how a quartz watch works

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!