i already cleaned the board... and a well deserved one.. this is my problem with the stuff eventually or you are not motivated by rewards. They are actually oppressive

i'd really like how after i retweet a bunch of unicode is all valid in twitter display names but straight up sexually assaulted women in your community

Your spaceship is in the white guys who unionize against their boss friend

An easy mistake to make, but just in case whoever played with it because they're all compacted...

i wish phones still had my old minidiscs and i can't be lesbians than any of my teachers called my mom and told to shut the whole product

not just people who want to hear from anyone directly about any of that.

I think it's going to publicly post about how we answered that prayer ourselves?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!