@lizardsquid couldn't you remap the key bindings to the keys that are in the position your muscle memory is accustomed to?
@danishcookies "won't someone think of their careers!?"
@boobs_idiot IOS used 24 hr time but I've gone dumb in the other direction.
I'll see "16:00" and think "ah, yeah, 24 hr time is 2 hrs off from regular time of you drop the 1, so it's... 8pm"
Made not one bit easier by the fact that in the winter it gets dark at like 3:00 pm for me.
it's another #TimeTheftThursday everyone! How's everyone asserting their right to live free despite capitalist structures today?
@starwall it's over there -->
Am I close? Did I get a math?
@idesofmerch and it's a storytelling style that works rally well, when done right.
For example, we might have gotten a 1 hr episode about what was in the treasure chest in lion's make instead of about Bismuth, because the stuff in lion's make was just thought up as they were going along.
@starwall comedians in cars tying to read the cue cards on the car in front of them.
neo Nazi, Milo Yiannopoulos, karma
@danishcookies while I think that the system of debt endemic to capitalism should be abolished, this seems to be pretty good justice to a literal shitstain like little yanny here
@troubleMoney some lawyer is saving this to their computer for future use.
@revolverocelot they mix up personal subjective judgment with objective reality.
"I didn't like it" becomes "no one liked it"
@bhtooefr RISC architectures are really neat. I suspect those are what you are referencing?
@Thomas Like Cher?
@NovaSquirrel that's awesome!
Anarchist. Cat. Anarkat. White Cis Male. Don't worry, I'll die eventually. Polyamorous & pansexual. Sometimes I say dumb stuff. When that happens, tell me. I'll figure it out.
Location? Idunno. The walls are grey and plain, and it's difficult to get to. Could be a bunker. Or a suburb. Hard to tell.
I drive. A lot. Many attempts have been made on my life by whatever spirit is behind bad drivers, but I'm still around.