the mountains are still there. the ocean. the forests that go on forever. it's all still there. i'll be back in August. i'm so grateful that even now i can try to earn the feeling that i belong in a place i love
i wish i had been wiser. now i have a good life in a place as lifeless as the moon. whatever ancient thing dwelled here is asleep or dead
@marcoarment @caseyliss this is the most Casey thing I have ever seen
Taylor and Millie still need help.
@auravulpes 100% agreed on both counts
OK internet sleuths - here's something lost to me in the sands of time (or at least buried under unrelated search results).
What is the original source and/or history of this font?
It's called Glyphis 1, version 1, embedded data shows that it was generated by Fontographer 4.1 and is dated 01 Jan 2000. There's also a Glyphis 2 and 3 that are smaller (subsets?).
AI and whining about Microsoft
The most important part of AI is doing it responsibly and ethically. Microsoft just fired their whole team that did AI ethics. Microsoft can go fuck themselves.
If we don't build AI tools ethically we're going to see bias and misinformation seep into tools we use every day and take for granted. Don't let us live in a nightmare realm without AI ethics...
@gsderp the part of me that isn't human responds to "it is its own creature" or "it is its own entity". i think it would respond to "individual" as well, since it does not seem to reject its self-hood.
What’s the personhood-rejecting-affirming way of saying “he’s his own person”? #therian
@alexcox HI NES!! what a cutie!
@hergaiety yeah let's go!
re: lightly spicy selfie
@D6016 DeeDee wow YES
@Atatra @dj_chicken_trouble I’ve been giggling about this all night
Ultrarunner, trans woman, autistic, lycanthrope.