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thank you to the dozens of people who responded to my plea for a text editor on Linux that has better font rendering than gnome with telling me i need to just use vim or emacs instead you truly are a shining example of your tvtropes page

@adrianco i think graphical user interface and pointing devices are legacy enough for Linux to have mild support for them by now

@karinakimi @Iwillyeah i think tone indicators are in bad taste (they make a secret language i have to feel excluded from (and back in my day we autistics just used parenthesis to explain everything (maybe i'm just too old for younger autistics who do everything different from me)))

i promise i'm not trying to be difficult i just think that linux will never be as good as windows was in 1995 until it can learn to render aliased full hinted variable width typefaces without it looking like uneven pixel salad

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the people who tell me i need to build my own DE from packages from the ground up are telling me to use my "distro"'s default text editor

@davidhmccoy i love np++it's my main editor but i figured there has to be something else native i could put on my toy 90s retro chic Linux install but nothing with the exception of wine actually knows how to render aliased fonts with hinting

Windows had it right all along

@abeltramo wine is the only thing that seems to render fonts without antialiasing in Linux properly after all

@abeltramo Kate tries to install the whole of kde which i don't want and vscode might be a bit overkill unfortunately nedit is not a package in archlinux32 repositories and trying to pull from aur tells me it's unavailable for the pentium4 architecture

oh well

@quirk i wouldn't rule out ram just because a different os boots without doing a full memtest but i would say from the message that it's more likely something in the storage path, either with a controller or with the storage device itself

if the live usb never tries to access it that would explain why it doesn't show the symptoms featherpad complains that i have too new a qt and segfaults and most everything else wants to install their entire desktop package as dependencies

nedit seems the most promising as someone else already suggested and i'll try it later today

next time someone tells me to try Linux instead of windows i'll just shove this thread in their face

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but maybe Wayland will fix everything once it finally releases in 20 years

not that it'll run on any current, let alone older, machines we currently own

you're lucky if the same hardware heavily supported 10 years ago by xorg and mesa even boots today

but hey mesa-amber huh

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face it we all gave Linux a shot in the early 2000s because we saw that video of compiz doing the 3d workspace switching thing and thought that was the pinnacle of desktop UI and later lied to ourselves it was because free as in beer or speech software was somehow better than pirating windows xp and now the stronghold of gnome is making you use a worse version of mac os you have to manually fix every update or let go of whatever customisations have even survived this far

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2024 linux still to this day has no equivalent to Windows 3.11 Microsoft paint or Microsoft notepad and honestly that's very sad for an operating system that is still trying to break into the desktop market started by apple in 1983 with the Lisa

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