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I'll say this: For how much the "general consensus" is that they're "better" than Ghostbusters (2016), I have not met a single person who has actually watched Afterlife or Frozen Empire.

i must be the most on mastodon without being "on mastodon" ever

oh hey another tag to put on my mutes because it's another apple keynote style unthreaded livetweeting

2017-2020 in my mind is the "covid timeskip" that 2020-2022 was for everybody else. 2020 forward is the only thing fresh in my memory

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is part of cptsd wanting to reconnect with people who hurt you or am i just particularly fucked up in the head

Fried silky tofu breaded in tapioca starch for lunch today, super creamy on the inside

If nothing else but wordle will do, and you have an old Palm OS device somewhere, there's always palmdle!

im so tired. i want to die and i'km craving attention anyway. starting with my identity. you're invited to leave me alone.

pooping on people's likes 

people's leftism leaving their body when the funny industrial game made by a known fascist gets an update

hey fun reminder, if you're encouraging your friends to buy a copy of to play the new dlc or whatever, you are directly contributing to the funds of a known bigot and anti-sjw who will absolutely use that money to hurt us and ours, queer people and people of colour especially. just so you know.

wiring could've gone better, using stiff wires was an absolute mistake (i had a huge surplus i figured wouldn't have been a problem for this) but now hopefully everything is wired as i want it, just need a hole for the cable and i should be able to start writing code if everything works hopefully

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just the follow-through with your ideas, no mater how bored of them you get, how tired of your project… find a way to finish it.
everyone has good ideas, good designs, exciting innovative concepts… not everyone has the discipline to see it through. that part is very hard.

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getting good at making games involves mastering the basics sure but the longer i do this the more i’m convinced that “the basics” isn’t coding, design, art, innovative unique concepts, or UI… it’s developing the difficult habit of actually
*finishing something*

i play dress up pretending to be a woman every single day of my life and the one day that's meant for everybody else to dress up pretend i feel like i'm left out. happy halloween

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!