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@keiyakins the original ISS was made in Adobe air, which presumably makes it easier to develop an actual interface on

@keiyakins what you're missing is that making an usable Android app out of a processing sketch is unfeasible, on top of the camera and filter not running fast enough not to lock up even a mid range phone from 2016

@zeezeemoomoo oh don't believe his lies that he wasn't rude for one second.

@revenant WHAT OMG

im pretty sure i have flash installed but it still won't show up for me :(

i'll give it a better shot tomorrow

@revenant yeah she. released the phone app i think in 2014 and took it down just a year later

you can't even find it in shady apk sites

@revenant i wrote a very similar replacement for it in processing but i can't feasibly make it into a phone app and nobody else i know can either to help me push it forward

@revenant i want to bring it back so bad

i am so miffed that christine love won't give an answer as to why she took it down. like is she under an nda???

@noelle i

was thinking about about a different song entirely and i am embarrassed to admit it

but also that one, i also did not know that about that one (though for that one i never looked up the lyrics or even watched the movie)

@noelle i ????? never got that from it??? id like to hear more about that

i can't believe it's not lewd 

@noelle yes and

i can't believe it's not lewd girl d's

@ratbaby @noelle and ellie had made her own cover and posted it obvs. i don't think we interacted at all but like

We Were Both Part Of The Same Thing 2 Years Before We Actually Met

@ratbaby @noelle noelle can probably tell it better!!!

remember when caitlyn jenner came out and got on vanity fair

on tumblr and twitter trans people were upset they didn't get to be on vanity fair so they started

ellie even made a generator

anyway purely because i posted one of myself early on the hashtag i got featured on buzzfeed and that is my lamest claim to fame

@noelle @ratbaby remember how i already knew about you in 2015ish when that vanity fair cover thing happened and we ended up meeting here on masto eventually

i thought _that_ was cool but this is even WILDER

@ratbaby @noelle holy shiiiiiiitttttttt


haaaaaaa im loving watching this sorry

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!