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ridiculous gun that was actually a thing some company was trying, they called it Metal Storm, it was basically a shit-tonne of barrels strapped together with multiple bullets in each barrel

@BatElite well, it was at a high of 14350 yesterday and it's had a low today of 10779

So hopefully!

Damnit bitcoin, keep dropping, I want to see you burn

@noelle Short answer no, long answer yes but it involves finding where pinterest's servers are and going there with large amounts of petrol and matches

@ruth If services were like that I might actually go to one from time to time

@noelle last I checked people die from exposure

None of that thanks

@squirrel bit of both

*maplebot beeps "give me your wallet" and utterly fails to look threatening*
"Awww... okay cutie, here you go, here's some money"
*maplebot hugs and beeps "thank you!"*
*maplebot runs off*

@squirrel maplebot street gangs going around mugging people but nobody minds because they're so cute when they're doing it

@squirrel a maplebot with SOFT NAPS knuckle tats gently pummelling you into a comfy sleep

nuclear war, Hawaii, UI 

@jk Why were all the drill options on the same page as the "OH SHIT" options?

That's just asking for trouble

@Elizafox I'm not the best data-point on that but I think it's pretty normal

@Elizafox To be fair calling it the Eris-Free network was tempting fate from the beginning

@squirrel @djsundog my mental image of that is you shoving your head into a hole a bit too hard and ending up upside down with your head in the hole and your limbs waving around because they can't reach the ground

I'd help you out the hole obviously, but it might take a little while until I could stop giggling at how cute that looks

@kibi only if you're not using obsolete LAN protocols

Yes, a Tolkien Ring Network

@LaserScheme something with levers I think, when you push a button down it pushes up all the other buttons

In the voice of your fav podcast host 

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!