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i bought another one because doing these are fun

this time, a Mars rover (either Spirit or Opportunity, i think?)

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@siosilvar do you mean you eat the cheese by itself or you go off by yourself to eat the cheese?

weirdly out of place lewd thing on linked site 

y'all should go to and have a look at what's listed in the popular authors under the books menu

marking spam emails as read before deleting them because i'm too nice

totally real tru facts: the band Toto got its name after lead singer Joseph Williams accidentally misspelled 'Todo: band name' during a band meeting and was too embarrassed to tell everyone it was a mistake

repeated chirping re: repeated bleating re: repeated meowing 

@softgoat @lizardsquid
chirp chirp
chirp chirp chirp chirp
chirp chirp reminds me that i need to get back into cooking new stuff

@colon_three the guest bathroom in my grandparent's old house had a carpeted floor and it even went up the wall a little too, it was really weird

food, silly 

why does everyone like chocolate? i prefer chocopunctual

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!