My Bluetooth headphones now require an external 5 V power supply over USB 😁 (I guess the charging circuit is broken, but don't really know, it behaves very strange). A bit interesting to connect a cable before pairing, but works fine, and I have used them at my PC mostly anyway. Happy about its sound quality and noise cancellation.

I should create a separate account for my AI image creations. Could be embarrassing if they'd be associated with me (not this one).

Feeling good today. Magnolia starting to bloom and smell. 🌸

Cisco has just released a new switch firmware and they have fixed an (energy-saving related) bug that I had reported 😀​

Ok diese Heim-Dinger scheinen schon zu funktionieren, aber erst beim dritten Versuch (und nur im Rachen, Nase war 2x falsch-negativ). Plus 1x falsch-negativer PCR aus der Teststraße. Vlt wirkt auch einfach die Schlumpfung zu gut.

Hab mir ein Token »geklaut«. Finde die Idee nett, auch wenn die meisten Ergebnisse… gewöhnungsbedürfting sind. (Und ich war sogar real dort. 😀​)

Best and most important sticker ever. Directly below my screen to remind me not to use "the Internet" unintentionally. Most of the time it works... the other times I'm fucked up

Proud of having grown my first two plates of hop (as sheep love it 🐑). It took two years from the idea to the fruits. I'll try them as tea and maybe in bread…

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!