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computer fairies registrations are open 24/7 just saying

Playing around with gopher and the first thing I put on there?

Reasons why Sinn watches rock

I think this may be as much nerd as I can do at any one time

I've just been informed that in the US, there's "Boss's Day"

What the fucking fuck is this bullshit

« This program won at Tic-Tac-Toe by figuring out how to remotely crash its opponents' computers, causing them to forfeit. »

— Retweet

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep!!!! *flails arms*

worldpol shitpost 

Possibly the only time I'd refuse a cup of tea


For a second there I forgot about Dre

In addition to the previous toot, British tanks are better than all other tanks

Because they have kettles in them


It has come to my attention that not all people have heard of the wonder, the glory, the sheer genius, the best invention to come out of the UK... THE TEASMADE

It's an alarm clock with an integrated electric kettle

It can wake you up in the morning AND HAVE A CUP OF TEA READY FOR YOU

It's truly humanity's greatest achievement

ill sounding mumblings 


This cold is still kicking my arse

*wobbles out of cave to look at what's going on*


*wobbles back*

you ever make an internet joke so good that literally the entire nation that you live in knows it

AI scaremongering take 

Building an AGI is like having a kid

So long as you do your parenting job right they're probably not going to kill you in your sleep

And you don't keep them in cages all the time either, you let them go out and experience the world

Musk: "AI is far more dangerous than nukes"

Oh stop scaremongering, all the NBIs (non-biological intelligences) I've met have been lovely

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!