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I can't wait 'til my new mouse gets here, and I hope it's more usable than the bootleg B100 I got last time I ordered a mouse. x.x;

Nezumi boosted

Not mine, but I found this and it made me happy and I though I would share

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Welcome to the dystopian hellworld the books promised/warned us about. x.x

I miss when Judge Dredd was a dystopian vision of a bleak and oppressive future, instead of an optimistic fantasy of what police could be.

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today in : i noticed a ninja afk for most of syrcus tower, wondered where he was. he finally came back for amon, got snippy when i joked about how i was glad he hadn't fallen in a toilet.

then his buddy - both of them mentors, lol - made sure that 1. the ice block i was hiding behind in amon got dissolved last minute, 2. told me "I hope you know I fucking hate you. Just FYI.", among other comments along the way, as we exited.

wow somebody hella salty at not being afk-carried lol

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reminding myself I have a Kiki Kitty plush designed to be able to be clipped to your head from Gaia Online back when I used to go there.

yes I actually bought the official merch.

No I am not that ashamed.

because the damn thing is friggin cute as a button okay and head-kitties are adorable (and also I got it because I was reading azumanga daioh and the kitty plushes stacked on Osaka's head were adorable)

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superhero show (Marvel, DC, MHA, etc): This is a (usually villain) woman whose power is that she can SEDUCE ANY MAN....and in rare cases certain women have fallen to her power

me, in a goofy voice:. of course,... the Lesbians™

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Nezumi boosted

me: okay brain, time to do things

my brain: [wii shop channel music]

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Nezumi boosted basically the fediverse version of that island in japan populated by hundreds of bunnies

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SomeBODY once told me 

Fun fact: the finite amount of helium left in the reserves is one of the reasons cryptographers think AES still has a chance of being secure from dragnet surveillance by quantum computers.

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manual boost because the standard CW is misleading, playing off as a joke, but it's actually about helium pricing and how it's wasted so frivolously.

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facts dont care about your feelings. facts are arseholes. a fact came into my house the other day and filled my sink with dead spiders.

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I wasn't aware of how racist the origins of the concept of "tragedy of the commons" was nor how completely and utterly wrong the concept was until recently when someone on here pointed it out to me.

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Intern: *bursts through door* Professor! You’ll never believe it! We found even more Pokémon in a new region!

Professor Oak: * takes a long drag of a joint and sighs*

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when i was a kid, i remember giving a presentation on how the internet would bring people together and help end hatred. that was a while ago, and obviously it didn't work out that way.

still, i find that i am personally able to make friends that i would never have been able to make if the internet wasn't a thing. that, at least, makes me hopeful for the future, even though today and every day can be depressing.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!